Full Watch Living Proof (2011) Movies In HD Streaming Online
By Paul Friedman - March 23, 2020
Living Proof Movies Movie Full Blu-ray Without Downloading Online Stream
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Storyline Living Proof (2011):
Fagbug Films presents, 'Living Proof.' Twelve urban GLBT youth from Baltimore, Maryland come together to write & perform a play based on their real life stories with the theme being to outlast storm or danger in order to discover truth. Directors Kalima Young & Erin Davies base the 6-month improvisation writing sessions on the Hero's Journey, teaching each young person to see themselves as the hero in their own lives. Together they come across allies, mentors, tricksters, shapeshifters, shadows, and ultimately reach a higher self.Movie details
Title: Living ProofReleased: 2011-01-01
Director: John Ford
Date: 2011-01-01
Runtime: 53 Minutes
Homepage: Homepage Movie
Trailer: Video Trailer